Creating a website is easy. Launching a web application can be done in a few days. But building a professional-looking and solid web application that grows with your business needs and doesn't turn into a massive unmaintainable, nobody-wants-to-touch code is hard.
g-web leverages all that burden for you so you can focus on what is more important: your user experience and user interfaces.
It takes time to develop a solid and well-organized application. Usually, projects are started with not much anticipation , and teams are put together with that objective (solid and organized) a low priority. The immediate goal is to deliver a solution ASAP. Then the urgent becomes the important, and in no time the business ends up with an application that looks more like a problem than a solution. And the problem doesn't stop there. Adding functionality gets harder by the minute. Every change requires more time and more money and even introduces bugs everywhere. Sound familiar? We see this happening all the time.
This g-web actually comes in 2 flavors:
With g-web you get all these benefits: